A few words about us
Meet our instigators

Mark White
After a varied career ranging from insurance broking in the City of London, to running his own handyman & gardening business, through selling wine, chauffeur driving, dispatch riding and opening a classic car & motorcycle on-line bookshop Mark decided to opt for a quieter life, then Leslie Town Hall appeared in his sights.
Mark has been a member of Leslie Amateur Drama Club since moving to Scotland in the early 2000s. He met his wife, Diane, playing opposite her in “Nocturne from Hellespont” by Albert Jeanes, appearing as statues brought to life. As well as acting roles he enjoys set design and construction and has served as stage manager for a number of productions. In 2020 he slipped into the directors shoes for one of his favourite plays, “Celebration” by Harold Pinter and also played the part of Lambert, an uncouth and boorish, but successful security consultant. Over the years he has held various positions in the Scottish Community Drama Association at local, regional and national levels.
Away from the stage Mark is a keen classic car and motorcycle enthusiast, currently owning three bikes in various states of disrepair.
He enjoys attending classic motoring events and freely admits that at a recent visit to the Cadwell Park circuit to watch a Vintage Motorcycle Club track day the sound of highly-tuned engines at full throttle brought tears of joy to his eyes. Watching Sir Iain McKellen perform “Hamlet” in Windsor last year provoked a similar reaction although the only bike on stage was an exercise bike. Other hobbies include vegetable growing, cooking and making beer and wine, all of which he insists can only be perfected by thorough and regular tasting.
Mark relishes the challenge of refurbishing the Town Hall and making it a welcoming arts and community centre at the heart of the community.
Diane White
Bio Coming Soon

Martin Butler
Martin joined Leslie Amateur Dramatics Club in 1982 when the church drama club he was a member of closed down. At that time, LADC still performed in the Town Hall and he has memories of all the members carrying scenery, costumes and props down the High Street, sometimes to the amusement of passers by.
Apart from a few years when he was spending his “theatre” time at Buckhaven Theatre doing lighting, sound and Stage Management, he has been a keen member of the club ever since. In addition to that he has been a member of Glenrothes Amateur Musical Association since 1982 as well, having played a number of leading roles and is a past President of GAMA.
He has also been a member of and Markinch Amateur Operatic Society. He is currently Chairman of the Fife District, Vice-Chairman of Eastern Division and serves on the National Executive of the Scottish Community Drama Association.
Neil McCallum
Neil, who's originally from Kirkcaldy, has been involved with amateur theatre from an early age and remembers being dragged along to a local amateur dramatic group by his mum (Kirkcaldy Amateur Dramatic Society).
A few years later, he appeared as one of the kids in "Under Milk Wood" as "Johnny", this was his first and last speaking role on stage.
Still a teenager, Neil got involved working backstage for multiple groups around Fife and later had a few walk-on parts, Sedan Carrier No2 in "Kismet", a Russian Solider in "Fiddler on the roof"; both for "MAOS - The Markinch Musical Society. He was even a manual “Bubble Machine” for Jamie Walker’s 2018 show at the Edinburgh Fringe “An Evening with Michael Bubbles (No Champagne Included)”.
In the mid 2000’s, he transitioned from backstage to Lighting and Sound, where he has done Lighting Design and operation for MAOS – The Markinch Musical Society, Scottish Community Drama Association, Glenrothes Amateur Musical Association, Leslie Amateur Drama Club and many many more.
More recently, he joined LADC mainly to work backstage, lighting, sound etc… but also found him turning his hand to directing with one play getting through to the SCDA divisional final in Killin.
In 2019, Neil was nominated for a Kingdom FM Local Hero Award, “The Mary Leishman Award” for services to the arts, the formal event was held at the Rothes Hall, although he didn’t win the award, it was an enjoyable experience and an honour to be nominated.
A few months back, during a meal with Mark and Martin, Neil said to Mark, “did you know the Leslie Town Hall is back on the Market”, so he is now known as the main instigator for purchasing the Town Hall.
Neil would like to thank the Leslie Community for their support, and is looking forward to the hall being refurbished and to be involved in the newest LADC production to be brought to Leslie Town Hall.